The end of a relationship is not always great. People end up getting hurt and some have problems with adjusting to the new situation in their life as well. Of course there are some people that do not get past this situation as easily as others.
Whenever separating people start looking for some situations in which they are trying to keep the connection alive. This means that they ask the other person if they can be friends. This is almost never a good idea. Why is that?
Here are some ideas and why it can get complicated
The feeling might never disappear
Relationships can take a toll on everyone. Most of the times, there is a person that gets hurt pretty badly. Someone feels left out because that person still has feelings for the other. And they keep this thought to themselves that maybe if they stay around, the other one will see something else, and they will get back together and so on. But this is usually not the situation. The other person might not have feelings anymore for the other one. This might be a great shock for the partner. So this way someone will get hurt no matter what.
The other person will get another partner
The hardest thing to understand when separating from someone is that the other person might end up seeing someone new. This means that they are already over the end of the relationship and also opened to dating and wanting to get involved in another one as well. This would be very difficult for the ex-partner to grasp but this is a truth that needs to be taken into consideration. Everyone finds it difficult to get over a relationship but the notion that the other person has already started seeing someone else is not something that you can take easily.
Getting closer is complicated
Of course people who separate look at some point at getting some closure as well. They try to actually find some sort of explanation for how the things worked out in the end. This is because most of the times these end of relationships are actually quite difficult and they come as a shock for some people as well. Getting closure is something that might help some of the partners but it can get complicated when that ex-partner is a friend. You might not understand exactly what happened and not grasp the notion that you are actually separated now and that you might not get a relevant explanation.
Staying friends with a person after you have broken up is never a good idea as someone might end up getting very frustrated about the situation and the other person might hold some harsh feelings afterwards as well. So, probably the best idea would be to actually let go of the feelings and the relationship itself whenever it ends. Do not try to hold on for too long if you still have feelings for the other person.