A Critical Component of Sexual Intimacy in Committed Relationships

Any relationship has its components. This means that the people who are in committed relationships actually go through different phases. Any relationship is based mostly on love, desire, sex and communication. Not having some of these components can actually affect the way the relationships evolve. 

Sexual intimacy is as important as the air you breathe. Any relationship is actually based on this. If there is no sexual chemistry between the two people involved in that relationship, it is going to fail. 

There are some important things that need to be taken into consideration regarding the sex in a relationship:


When in a relationship, the two people need to be trusting of each other in order to keep this relationship going. This means that you cannot get involved with someone and know that person in the rawest way without being able to win its trust. Trusting each other is key to every relationship and it is key to an active sexual life as well. 

Open communication

When in a relationship and started also to have a sexual relationship as well, you need to have some sort of opened success communication with your partner. This means that you always should be able to discuss your issues directly with that person. You need to make sure that your partner understands very well whether there is something wrong or not and if there are ways through which you can improve your sexual relationship as well. 

The prelude is important

For every healthy relationship and actually sexual relationship the prelude is very important. You need to know how to get things started so as to not seem very straightforward and harsh. The partners who want a great sexual relationship will take their time to actually make the other one feel safe and sexual attracted as well. It is not use to get right into it if there is no passion in the action itself. 

Chemical attraction is important as well

Whenever you are in a relationship you need to be attracted to your partner that will make all of the difference. If there is no attraction everything will become difficult, you will have no desire to satisfy the other one, and things from a sexual point of view will not actually work out. Be certain that the person you’ve started seeing and having sex with is someone that you are genuinely attracted to. 

Have fun

Whatever the situation, whenever being involved in a sexual relationship, you need to actual have fun. This sort of an action without a bit of a fun can become some sort of a chore and this is not actually great. You need to always have fun with what you do. Just make sure that you keep your mind opened and that you are always ready to give out a laugh if the things do not work out in the bedroom as you wanted the first time. Things can be a bit flexible as well, so why not have a laugh about it?